Marfan Syndrome Supoort Group Launch New Website
We have been working hard to complete our new website and hope that you will take the opportunity to explore all of our information and news and give us your views by going to the "contact us" tab.
We believe that this new website will clearly outline What is, and the Effects of Marfan Syndrome and Loeys-Dietz Syndrome. We hope you enjoy the user-friendly navigation and take the time to look through the pages of information.
We are always looking for ways to better serve our members, so if you don't see something on our website you need, please go to our contact us page and send us an email.
The information contained within this website will continue to be updated and expanded in so far as possible, as mentioned above please contact us if there is specific information you think would be useful, and in the mean time we will endeavour to continue to improve what we have.